Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chau Cabellito, hello hotplate

In this past month, I moved out of my old place in Cabellito and into a hotel/student housing in microcentro, started my new semester, met a whole slew of new people, and am continuing work. However, considering it is nearly 7 in the morning and I worked about 9 hours this past night, I am rather tired, so I'm going to do more of the talking with photos and slide in a couple of details....

A few guys takin' an afternoon break (from work and from the heat) in Cabellito

This was from a very quickly-done, impromptu photoshoot I did of Heather in the garden of
"El Museo de Arte Hispanico"
or something like that...
(I don't quite have the energy to look it up)
Unfortunately, my redheaded muse is leaving this Friday to return to the states,
so I'm gonna try to squeeze one last shoot in today.
She's got HUNDREDS of vintage dresses which is just bucket-of-drool inducing on it's own....

Work has been kinda slow lately with so many of the locals off on vacaciones.
On the bright side, that leaves me plenty of time to drink on the job and obnoxiously take photos of the employees. Below is a photo of Marco doin' his thang....

This past Sunday I went with the Fundacion Ortega y Gasset (my new program) group to the Sunday San Telmo fair, which I always love, and find perpetually endearing to see the faces of people seeing it for the first time. It reminds of this one night I was in my apartment in Cabellito and I put "Kiss" by Prince on
and it was the first time that they had heard it....
to witness someone's mind being blown...
yeah, it's kinda like that.

On Tuesday night, I went out for my friend Silvia's last night in Buenos Aires before returning to Italy. We went to La Catedral in Almagro for tango dancing. It was the first time I had ever gone tango dancing outside of a classroom setting, and it was wonderful. La Catedral is this beautiful space con un ambiento muy antiguo. There are high ceilings, hard-wood floors, and the walls are covered in art. I ended up dancing until about 4 in the morning, when my feet gave in from my vicious tango shoes. Here are a couple of my favorite photos from that night...

Life is exhausting. In a good way. But exhausting, nonetheless.

Sunday I went to San Telmo, then cooked a big elaborate meal for the roomies.
Monday I had class all day, took a quick nap, and went out to La Puerta Roja Bar that night until about 5:30.
Tuesday, which was my 6 month anniversario with Buenos Aires,
I had class, dinner, quick nap, then went out tango dancing til around 4ish.
Wednesday, yesterday, I got to sleep in a bit, went to class at El Museo de Bellas Artes, went out for some food, got ready for work, then worked until about 3ish.
Today, I've got a boatload of tramites, a photoshoot, and more work,
then Friday I have a fieldtrip, followed by
etc. etc. etc.

.... in case you wanted to know a complete play-by-play of my life, which- garsh- who wouldn't want to know?

OK kids, I think it's time to throw in la toalla for the night.

-Paz, amor, y empanadas-

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